


Oracle is an object relational database management system produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. Oracle SQL Course is aimed to provide the students a path to a global Oracle Certification. This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of SQL using Oracle Database 11g database technology. Using the powerful Structured Query Language (SQL), the data contained within relational databases can be retrieved, managed and manipulated.

Course Covered:

Course Objective List

  • Identify the major components of Oracle Database 11g
  • Retrieve row and column data from tables with the SELECT statement
  • Create reports of sorted and restricted data
  • Employ SQL functions to generate and retrieve customized data
  • Execute complex queries, DDL statements, and DML statements
  • Control database access to specific objects and add new users with different levels of access privileges
  • Manage schema objects and objects with data dictionary views
  • Manipulate large data sets in the Oracle database by using subqueries
  • Manage data in different time zones
  • Write multiple-column, scalar, and correlated subqueries
  • Use the regular expression support in SQL

